
A Easy to use RSS Parser Library (PHP, CodeIgniter)

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RSSParser library - CI 2.0+


Simply add this library to your /application/libraries/ folder.


If you have followed the Install step correctly you should be able to use.

$this->load->library('rssparser');                          // load library
$this->rssparser->set_feed_url('');  // get feed
$this->rssparser->set_cache_life(30);                       // Set cache life time in minutes
$rss = $this->rssparser->getFeed(6);                        // Get six items from the feed

$rss will return an array which will include:

title, description, author, pubDate, link

You can also chain the above statement.



Getting RSS from a single source.

function get_ars() 
    // Load RSS Parser

    // Get 6 items from arstechnica
    $rss = $this->rssparser->set_feed_url('')->set_cache_life(30)->getFeed(6);

    foreach ($rss as $item)
        echo $item['title'];
        echo $item['description'];

Getting RSS from multiple sources.

function get_logistics_news() 
    // Load RSS Parser

    // Get RSS
    $rss[] = $this->rssparser->set_feed_url('')->set_cache_life(30)->getFeed(1);
    $rss[] = $this->rssparser->set_feed_url('')->set_cache_life(30)->getFeed(1);

    foreach ($rss as $feed)
        foreach ($feed as $item)
            echo $item['title'];
            echo $item['description'];


// Using a callback function to parse addictional XML fields

$this->load->library('rssparser', array($this, 'parseFile')); // parseFile method of current class

function parseFile($data, $item)
    $data['summary'] = (string)$item->summary;
    return $data;